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Dead Space

for PC

Accessibility Resources

Dead Space Banner

Accessibility Overview

Accessibility Settings

Audio Settings

Control Settings

Display Settings

Gameplay Settings

Initial Settings

Language & Subtitles

Accessibility Settings


This image shows the Accessibility settings listed below.

Menu Narration

Toggle to enable or disable audio narration of game menus. The default is set to disabled. Menu narration is only available in English.

Menu Narration Volume

Adjust the slider to increase or decrease menu narration volume. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 75.

Colorblind Mode

Select an option to adjust colors to support the most common colorblindness types. This option includes None, Protanopia (Red Weak), Deuteranopia (Green Weak), and Tritanopia (Blue Weak). The default is set to None.

Colorblind Contrast

Adjust the soldier to change color contrast when colorblind mode is turned on and a type is selected. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is 50.

Single Press Quick Time Events

Toggle to enable or disable the ability to have Quick Time Events be won with a single button press. The default is set to disabled.

Sprint Toggle Mode

Toggle to enable or disable the ability to make the sprint input Toggle instead of Hold. The default is set to disabled.

Aim Toggle Mode

Toggle to enable or disable the ability to make the aim input Toggle instead of Hold. The default is set to disabled.

Log Close Mode

Select an option to control how the Video and Audio logs interface is closed. This option includes Hold and Tap. The Hold option will close an open log upon using Hold. The Tap option will close an open log upon using Tap. Because the input is tied to the Heal input, this input will heal the player if there are no logs currently open. The default is set to Hold.

This image shows the Accessibility settings listed below.

Map Zoom Mode

Select an option to control how the zoom mode functions in the map. This option includes Hold and Tap. The Hold option will require holding the zoom input to zoom. The Toggle option will require tapping the zoom input once to start zooming, then tapping again to exit zoom. The default is set to Hold. 

Aim Assistance

Toggle to enable or disable aim assistance. The default is set to disabled.

Aim Assist Friction

Toggle to enable or disable the rotation speed of the camera. When enabled, the speed of the camera is reduced when the target laser is close to enemies. The default is set to disabled.

Aim Assist Magnetism

Toggle to enable or disable aim assist magnetism. When enabled, the camera will focus on the enemy while aiming at them. The default is set to enabled.

Aim Assist Magnetism Duration

Adjust the slider to change the duration of aim assist magnetism. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 100.

Menu Motion

Toggle to enable or disable the floating motion of the main menu. The default is set to enabled. 

Show Kinesis Symbol (HUD)

Toggle to enable or disable the Kinesis Symbol on the HUD when aiming. The default is set to enabled.

Show Persistent Dot (HUD)

Toggle to enable or disable the persistent dot on screen to assist user orientation with camera movement. The default is set to Off.

This picture shows the Controller Accessibility listed below.


Toggle to enable or disable subtitles for spoken dialogue in the game. The default is set to enabled.

Subtitle Font Size Scaling

Adjust the slider to set the scale factor of subtitles. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 38.

Subtitle Capitalization

Toggle to enable or disable the ability to set subtitles to ALL CAPS. The default is set to disabled.

Subtitle Color

Select an option to set the background and text color for subtitles. This option includes Black on White and White on Black. The default is set Black on White.

Subtitle Background Opacity

Adjust the slider to set the subtitle background opacity. This option has a value range of 0 to 100. The default is set to 100.

Speaker Name

Toggle to enable or disable the display of speakers name in subtitles. This option is set to enabled.

Speaker Name Color

Toggle to enable or disable the display a different color for each speaker in subtitles. This option is set to enabled.

Camera Shake

Toggle to enable or disable camera shake. This option is set enabled.